Wednesday, September 14, 2011

An easy way to generate buzz and attract businesses to your district

One often overlooked business recruitment strategy is also one of the most rewarding - celebrating your retail recruitment success stories by announcing the opening of a new businesses with great fanfare. Issuing a press release, holding a ribbon cutting, inviting key local stakeholders, these are all part of the process of building buzz for your district, buzz that can ultimately raise your profile as a great destination for retail. It is also a fantastic form of marketing for your district. You never know who will read the local newspaper coverage - be it a potential business owner or a broker with just the right retailer for your district. The idea that an objective third party (i.e. the media) is touting the district is one of the best forms of free advertising you can ask for. So don't forget to celebrate the opening! And don't forget to take great pictures and post them on your website afterwards!

Here is a link to a press release announcing two recent business openings along F and 10th in DC's East End. The release was prepared and issued by the project's developers, but it's a good model for district managers as well.

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