Monday, March 21, 2011

Take the CDA 2010 Professional Development Survey!

As a profession, the field of commercial district management is growing very quickly. Every month there are more Business Improvement District's created to add to the estimated 1,500+ that already exist. This doesn't even count the approximately 2,000 Main Street programs and hundreds of community development organizations that manage commercial revitalization activities. Between the staff, board members and volunteers at these organizations, there are thousands of individuals who require basic knowledge about commercial revitalization, yet often arrive at their first job without practical skills in the field.

Unfortunately, there are pitifully few places where folks can get practical training, and even less national consensus around what kind of skills are critical to success in the field. With untold billions of dollars being dedicated to improving downtown and neighborhood commercial districts throughout the country, ensuring that the professionals who are making strategic decisions about commercial revitalization are property trained is critical to ensuring that these funds are well spent.

In order to meet this growing need for professional development training, we have got to better understand the need. That starts with you. If you are a practitioner, volunteer or board member of an organization involved in commercial revitalization efforts in a downtown or neighborhood, please take this survey and help us understand what the training needs are.

Help us turn downtown and neighborhood revitalization into a discipline! CLICK HERE to take the survey now!

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