It is well know that visibility is a key
factor to retail success. Quality signage can be an easy and effective tool to
make sure passersby see (and perhaps enter) business establishments. An
effective signage not only shows customers where businesses are, but it also
communicates their brand and identity and can be a powerful tool shaping
overall corridor and district perception.
While it’s clear that signage is an essential
tool to operating a successful retail establishment, there are many factors
that must be considered when developing an appropriate signage strategy. Below
are six tips to have these in mind when working with local businesses in facade
improvement or district beautification efforts.
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Example of clear and visible
signage (note that despite being on the window, the signage did not obstruct views
to inside the store)
Tip 1: Focus on Customer Experience
At the most basic level, retail
signage has one purpose: to communicate with the customer. Businesses
should prioritize this goal above all others when developing retail signage.
After all, what’s the point of a sign if the public can’t understand the message
around it? There are several ways to improve the customer experience.
Make sure businesses
signage have appropriate size and placement. If signs are too big your district
might end up overwhelming customers. If wrongly placed, signage might not be
seen or might block another business signage, generating conflict and visual confusion
for customers.
Analyze the district
with fresh eyes. One of the best ways is to walk your district like a customer.
Be honest about what works and what doesn’t. What’s easy to find, and what is
missing? Are the signs easy to understand, or are they jumbled or confusing?
Tip 2: Think About Location, Location, Location
Sign placement can seem deceptively simple,
but there are many important elements to consider. Of course a sign needs to be
placed in an appropriate location where it can be seen, interpreted and
ultimately drive consumer action. But what else do you need to
consider? For exterior signage, make sure businesses place it where
it can be seen by as many passersby—on foot and in vehicles--as possible.
Consider factors like glare, and what might block it (parked cars? Delivery
trucks? Hot dog cart?) at different times of the day or week. Effectively
placed, businesses will have a guaranteed presence worth far more than the cost
of the sign installation. As an expert marketer put it: “You pay for your signs
once, and they work for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.” (Bang 2011)
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This creative signage spruces up
the store entrance and reinforces the business identity as an antique store
Tip 3: Check out the Competition
Do your homework and check out other stores
signage, especially the ones you admire. They don’t have to be in your
district. Pay attention and consider whether it’s a good model for the
businesses in your district. By benchmarking other businesses (and districts),
you just may discover something that you should do—or even not do—in your own
Tip 4: Get the Look Right
Once the type and placement of signage is
established, it’s time to make sure the messaging looks professional and
well-designed. There are some basic graphic design rules that should always be
followed. “Be consistent with the feature lines, price, size, color, and fonts
so the customer’s eyes can easily scan the sign. Allow for plenty of white
space, keep the font simple, be sure the text is balanced and proportional and
consider using bullets. Highlight words in bold or by using a different color.
Avoid using all capital letters, which makes it difficult to read.” (DS 2006)
Color choices are also critical. Even a sign
that looks nice and professionally designed from an aesthetic perspective may
not be as readable as it needs to be in a retail environment. Using contrasting
colors in the font and background is highly recommended. The most visible
colors are black, white and red for the text, and these should be printed over
backgrounds that are as opposite as possible. For example, white text on a black
background, or red type over a yellow background can improve readability.
Backgrounds that are nearly the same color as text can render signs nearly
Tip 5: Be Clear and Keep it Simple
Clear, compelling
messaging is what sets apart great signage from mediocre. Different signage has
specific goals, and when a retailer can convey these distinct messages in a way
that is clear, informative, and above all, still on brand, that business is going
to be more competitive. Informative signage such as directional signage must be
concise and readable to enable users to understand the message with a
split-second glance.
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Good quality signage doesn't
require expensive materials. With simple paint is possible to have attractive
and efficient signs.
Tip 6: Make Quality a Priority
Given that all business owners know how
critical it is to inspire trust in their customers, it’s surprising how many
stumble at producing well-made, error-free signage. And it doesn’t have to be
this way. Creating quality signage is an easy and inexpensive way to cultivate
that trust. “Signs will convey your authority and attention to detail. Make
sure they are clear and accurate every time. Poorly printed signs, misspelled
words and other inaccuracies can erode your credibility.” (Kinsella 2012)
Simplicity is key. To be effective,
signage must be easy to read. As some experts warn us: "Some signs are so
full of tiny images, starbursts, exclamation marks, and small print, that you
can’t take it all in.” (Inspire 2013).
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Blade signs are a very effective
way to capture pedestrians’ attention. The signs above are simple, straight to
point and very effective in communicating what these businesses are about.
Works Cited/Referenced:
2 Community. 5 Ways for Retailers to Drive Sales Using Digital Signage.
2012. Source Link
DS Marketing Solutions. Retail Signage…Tips for Increasing Sales & Service. 2006. Source Link
Foxfire. How to Start Using Retail Signage. Source Link
Inspire Retail Solutions. How to Create Effective Retail Signs. 2013. Source Link
John Kinsella. IGC Retailer. Powerful Signage Promotes Your Brand. 2012. Source Link
Kevin Johnston. Demand Media. Rules for Effective Retail Signage. Source Link
DS Marketing Solutions. Retail Signage…Tips for Increasing Sales & Service. 2006. Source Link
Foxfire. How to Start Using Retail Signage. Source Link
Inspire Retail Solutions. How to Create Effective Retail Signs. 2013. Source Link
John Kinsella. IGC Retailer. Powerful Signage Promotes Your Brand. 2012. Source Link
Kevin Johnston. Demand Media. Rules for Effective Retail Signage. Source Link
Advertising. Why Exterior Signage Provides the Best ROI for Retailers.
2011. Source Link
Impressed a lot. I really like your blog.
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